Twin Peaks, created by David Lynch and Mark Frost, is known for its eccentric characters and surreal story lines. When the show first premiered in April 1990, critics declared it « groundbreaking television, » and the series quickly developed a large fan base. However, it didn’t see as many views during its […]
Étiquette : weirdest
10 Weirdest Movie Sequels
Movie sequels have the potential to both improve and expand upon their original films. Some of the all-time best sequels, such as The Empire Strikes Back, Aliens, The Dark Knight, and The Godfather: Part II, took a core concept and enhanced it by introducing more complex themes. A good sequel […]
10 Weirdest ‘Supernatural’ Episodes, Ranked
Over the fifteen seasons of Supernatural, there were plenty of opportunities for adventure. While much of it was dangerous fights with vampires or epic battles with demons, the series had a gift for the bizarre. The paranormal premise allowed the writers to stretch their imaginations to their limits. Drumpe VIDEO […]
This Is the Weirdest Moment on ‘Rick and Morty,’ Hands Down
The Big Picture Rick and Morty is filled with absurd, grotesque, and crazy moments that set it apart from other animated shows. Most of the weird moments in the show serve a purpose, whether it’s to progress the plot or provide insight into the characters. The weirdest moments in Rick […]
15 of the weirdest things we have launched into space
Space is becoming increasingly filled with human-made things. Most of these objects you would expect to find in space, such as functioning spacecraft, astronaut gear or free-floating space junk. But there are also a few peculiar items that humans have put into space — and not always on purpose. From […]