You may have noticed in recent weeks that the planet Venus has slipped from the post-sunset sky, slimming into a crescent shape as it drops from view. Its reign as the bright « Evening Star » in 2023 is over, as a relatively rare celestial phenomenon takes shape. On Aug. 13, Venus […]
Étiquette : disappear
Coronavirus is weakening, could disappear on its own: Italian doctor
An Italian infectious disease doctor believes the coronavirus has become less dangerous — and could disappear on its own without a vaccine. Dr. Matteo Bassetti, the head of the infectious diseases clinic at the San Martino hospital, said the virus appears to have become less potent, possibly due to genetic […]
Coronavirus immunity could disappear after six months: study
Immunity to the coronavirus could only last up to six months, scientists say. A study at the University of Amsterdam found that those who survived the coronavirus could become reinfected within six months, casting doubt on the concept of “immunity passports” to allow survivors of the virus to return to […]