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UK nurses asked to stop using the term ‘breast milk’

UK health officials ordered nurses at two hospitals to substitute the term “breast milk” for “human milk” — part of a first-of-its-kind effort there to be more inclusive to trans and non-binary parents. The terms “breastfeeding” and “breast milk” should be swapped for more “gender-inclusive” phrases in prenatal units of […]

TCS to recruit 1,500 tech staff in UK

India’s largest software services firm Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) on Wednesday said it will recruit 1,500 technology employees across the UK over the next year. The announcement followed Monday’s meeting in Mumbai between visiting UK Trade Secretary Liz Truss and TCS CEO Rajesh Gopinathan. During the meeting, the two sides […]

Valheim Blast Furnace | How to unlock and craft

Valheim might look simple, but there are tons of components to gather and craft into helpful items. In order to turn Black Metal Scrap into Black Metal Bars and make better gear, for example, players first need to unlock and build the Blast Furnace. So, here’s how to get the Valheim Blast Furnace on PC. How […]