ROSEMARY’S BABY Getting a Remastered 4K UltraHD Release in October

The classic 1968 Roman Polanski-directed psychological horror thriller Rosemayr’s Baby is getting a 4K remaster, and it will be getting a 4K UltraHD released in October 2023. This is a film I watched when I was in high school after some friends and I rented it from the horror section at Blockbuster Video. I had no idea what to expect from it, and it took us on one hell of a nightmarish journey.

The film is an adaptation of Ira Levin’s novel, and it tells the story of “a loving young New York City couple who are expecting their first child. Like most first-time mothers, Rosemary (Mia Farrow) experiences confusion and fear. Her husband (John Cassavetes), an ambitious but unsuccessful actor, makes a pact with the devil that promises to send his career skyward.”

Polanski “elicits uniformly extraordinary performance from the all-star cast. Ruth Gordon won an Oscar® for her performance as an oversolicitous next-door neighbor in this classic chiller.”

Horror director William Castle was the one who originally purchased the rights to the 1967 novel that the film is based on. He planned on directing this movie because he wanted to be taken more seriously as a director. He was mostly known for the B-horror films that he made. But, the studio ended up pushing him into a producer role and instead brought in newcomer Roman Polanski to helm the adaptation.

Polanski ended up making what is considered to be one of the best horror movies of all time, with Mia Farrow giving an all-time best performance as Rosemary Woodhouse.

The release celebrates the 55th anniversary of the Oscar-winning horror movie, and the fresh new 4K Ultra HD package also includes a Blu-ray as well as a Digital Code. Rosemary’s Baby debuts on 4K Ultra HD on October 10, 2023.

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