How to update Aadhaar card details like address, age, name, and more

How to update Aadhaar card details like address age name and more

Aadhaar is one of the most important documents in the country. It carries several important information related to citizens, including name, address, photo, biometric information and more.

But what would you do, if your Aadhaar card has a mistake? Of course, you’d get it corrected. But the question is, how?

Follow our step-by-step guide to fix an error or update the card.

What can be updated online
Users can only update a couple of things online on their Aadhaar card. This includes minor changes in the name, age, address and language of the Aadhaar.

Aadhaar details

Access to the mobile number registered with Aadhaar
Working internet connection


Open Aadhaar self-service update portal using any browser and login by entering


Aadhaar and OTP received on the registered mobile number


Now, click on ‘Update Aadhaar Online’ under Services section


Then click on ‘Proceed to Update Aadhaar’


Now, select the Aadhaar details you want to update and click on ‘Proceed to Update Aadhaar’ button.


On the next page, you will see the current Aadhaar details. Here, enter the details that you want to update.

(For example, if you want to change your age, then enter the correct age. Similarly, if you are changing the address, then enter the current address.)


Upload scanned copy of supporting documents

Once everything is done, check the preview to ensure everything you’ve entered is correct and make the payment of Rs 50.

After the payment is done, you’ll receive a Update Request Number (URN) using which you can check the status of the request.


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